Here's a couple of older projects

When I made these candle sticks I got the true meaning of "Too many irons in the fire". While trying to forge all six pieces at the same time, I withdrew a couple of them, only to find they had melted away about 3 inches from one end. OOPS! Live and learn.

Welcome to The Naked Blacksmith

This photo of me was taken by Bill Apton, for his book "Mendonomans".. "The People, The Land". I was honored to be part of his "rogue's gallery". I'm page 76, if you run across it. Thanks Bill.

Point Arena..... Where the hell is that?

Point Arena is approximately 120 miles north of San Francisco, in Mendocino County. There is a lighthouse that was rebuilt after it's destruction in the 1906 earthquake. If you look real close, you can see it on the horizon, in the center of the photo. It is of a design that's completely unique. I've never seen another like it. So,... if you're in the area, stop on by.

Sandra's Finial Lamp Hooks

The interesting thing about these hooks are the "acorn" finials. They match finials on the bottom of the lamps, exactly. They were salvaged from an old clothing store display rack for hanging suits. Not my favorite style, but they turned a couple of bargain swag lamps into a nice pair of sconces.

Marty's Lamp

I made this lamp from a scrap piece of 6" square tubing. The slots were milled in, and white milk glass was later added behind them. It hangs in my friend's backyard in Santa Rosa. It puts out a nice light for sipping magaritas in the evenings.

From the scrap bin springs new life.

The Original "Naked Blacksmith", Vulcan

I use these coins as my alternative cards. If you'd like one, email me, and for a nominal donation of $4.00, including U.S. postage, I'll send you one with Fireman's Forge & the phone number hot stamped on it, and a ring through it, so you can put it on a keyring, necklace, ear ring, or whatever. It will be darker than pictured, due to heating of it for stamping. It's slightly larger than a quarter.(aprox. 1 inch) It's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Contact me at ""

First Church of Hot Iron

This was the result of some play time in a friends blacksmith shop, on a resurrected 150 pound power hammer. The result ended up mounted on my shop, and has given forth to the name "The 1st Church of Hot Iron". It may be a lightning rod, but so far... no strikes. The Gods must approve.

Why am I called "The Naked Blacksmith"?

Throughout history blacksmiths have been depicted as working in various states of undress. Is it the element of danger, working so close to the fire that gives this romanticized aspect to blacksmithing? Or,.... is it just the fact that to stand the heat, one must be dressed, or should I say undressed, for the occasion? With that idea in mind, I try to work in the traditions of Vulcan and the ancient blacksmiths. Whenever weather permits and the fires are burning hot, I try to earn my nickname.