My friends Bill, Titch, and Andy told me they were going to open a Pub in Point Arena.
When they described their vision for the old brick building that had recently been vacated as an art gallery, I was inspired to offer my services, and build them some unique shelf brackets for behind the bar. They didn't want the brackets to hang from the walls, which are unsupported brick. Instead, they wanted something that would be hung from the ceiling joists. I forged some brackets that I feel are suitably unique for their establishment.
The first thing I did was cut some half inch square stock into pieces 120 inches long. Then I forged and drew out the ends to points that brought the stock to 134 inches long. Then, I added 4 selected twists to each piece, and bent them into rectangular brackets 8.25" X 50.5". Then,.. I heated and wrapped the drawn out points around each other like vines.
You tell me. What do you think?